"We fought shadows," Enastron, Athens 2023.
Vindication, Cyberwit, India 2021
Days in Oriente, Enastron, Athens, 2016
The archipelago Enastron, 2012.
Vindication, Melani Publications, 2011.
A Drop in the Torrent, Seaburn Publications, New York, 2006.
The Camp, Ellinika Grammata, Athens, 2000.
Beyond the Symplegades, Exantas, Athnens, 1991.
Biography (in Greek):
“Nikos Yannakakis: I am a Hagiographer,” Region of Crete, Chania, 2015.
Poetry (in Greek):
Appeal to Language, CYBERWIT.NET, Allahabad, India, 2020 (in English).
Appeal to Language, Enastron, Athens, 2019
Afternoon Metaphors, Enastron, Athens, 2014.
West of Homer, Melani Publications, 2009.
Elpenor - A Cartographer without Memory, Kaktos, 2005.
Novice Odysseus, Salonica Press, New York, 2005 (in English).
Novice Odysseus, Metaixmio, Athens, 2004.
Sisyphus, Exantas, Athens, 1998.
Zarathustra and the Five Vespers, Boukoumanis Publidations, 1985.
Environmental books:
Il crepuscolo del pianeta terra, BIOS, 1996 (in Italian).
The Twilight of the Human Species, Exantas, Athens, 1994. Environmental book.
The Last Gasp of Planet Earth , Boukoumanis Publications, 1984. A book about the environmental problems of our planet and the arms race. The book is now in its 3d edition. The book was extensively revised to reflect the latest environmental developments and published by Enastron, Athens, 2017.
Yannis Phillis is a member of the following literary associations: Poets and Writers (USA), Hellenic P.E.N. Club and the European Art Center.

Praise of Vindication* by American academician Asad Madni
I have been meaning to write to you after reading and savoring every page of "Vindication" but could not find the right words to express my feelings of admiration.
More than an eminent scientist, you are a true artist at heart. Your imagination is your canvas and your deep understanding of human nature is your paint. You demonstrated depth of emotions, tragedy, pathos, futility, hypocrisy, tradition, fear, and so many different human aspects and limitations in a manner that only the best authors have been able to accomplish.
The last day of Panos is a true masterpiece.
Overall the book reminded me of Albert Camus' statement "the most despicable thing is respect based on fear."
Asad Madni
*Vindication, A novel by Yannis Phillis, Translated by Angelos Sakkis and the author, Cyberwit, India 2021
Appeal to Language, Poems by Yannis Phillis
Find below recent reviews and comments:
Praise of Vindication and Appeal to Language by American poet and literature professor Tim Houghton
On 9-8-2021 Tim Houghton wrote:
Dear Yannis,
I finished Vindication earlier today--you are every bit as excellent a novelist as you are a poet. My God, the book was enjoyable--although enjoyable is too simple a word. A poet's novel--a complicated mosaic that keeps growing, broadening out, as well as deepening, as it proceeds.
It is certainly not surprising to see the poetic language that rises throughout the novel. Such interesting emotional and imaginative language done tastefully and deftly, without overwhelming, as is appropriate it seems to me in a novel; "You turn faces into empty masks," as one small example.
Menelaos was perhaps especially complex, although on a personal level I liked, as people, the other two men more. I am glad Menelaos survived, as that added an entirely different dimension to the book. Of the women, Dimitra was my favorite. I felt especially sorry for Eleni--and angry at her cousins.
This books appears to have been a huge amount of work, so much research on your part--and clearly a love of writing it.
I felt I was "into" the world of Vindication after perhaps 20 or so pages. I was beginning to know the characters, and everything fell into place, and I read it smoothly the entire way. I do recall thinking, while enjoying the many poetic passages, that the language reminded me of your poetry. And I was struck by the ambition of the subject and the technical ability in the structure. It should have won awards.
On 31/07/2020 03:29, Tim Houghton wrote:
Dear Yannis,
I just finished Appeal to Language--and I noticed that the book (a beautiful book with lovely blues and wonderful texture in the hand and the cool moai) has 4 poems that were not in the manuscript which I read a couple of years ago. I read those poems first, and I am glad they are in the book. I liked them all but especially liked "Silence" and, then, "The Old Canning Factory" with its strong ending.
Then I read the entire book--a powerful, excellent work. Overall I like how specifics work with abstractions to enlarge the world--and the suggestive gaps in the poems--showing a smart mind at play, serious play. Rich poetry, real poetry. I was happy to re-read old friends such as "Mailman," "Easter Island,""August, Midday," "Walls," "A World within the World," and of course the final poem (my favorites: "Turkish Occupation," "Dictatorship, and "Climate Change"). Of course, on a different day, I would perhaps have a different list of poems that struck me. The press did a very good job--as did your competent translator Philip Ramp. This is a book I will pick up again. And congrats to the person who took the excellent photo of you on the back.
Thank you so much for sending me a copy. Tim
Review by Shubhaangi Kundalkar, Author – Justaju-In Search of Life
[...] By then I learned that only through silence are the hardest stories told” as in Silence, and “Science tells us one day everything will end” are the best catch lines ever. So philosophical and yet so true!!!
This book are more like his memoirs he experienced through his life which include more of nature, philosophy and war. Different topics and different stories to narrate!!! Readers, you will love all of them.
Yannis, we wish that your book inspires many more Writers like me to write differently and travels far and wide and garners all the recognition and fame. We look forward to your next book, as well. I will be happy to write a review for that one tooJ
"I am always deeply impressed
with poets-scientists –
a two-edged sword for humanity's defense."
Herman Berlandt, Editor "Mother Earth International" on Yannis Phillis' poetry.
Besides his research activity with the publication of over 100 scientific papers and four technical books, Professor Yannis A. Phillis is an award-winning writer in Greece and the US, having published six poetry collections, five novels, and three environmental books.
Yannis Phillis: Short video message addressed to the readers of the journal "Indus Streams"