Επιστημονικό έργο

Τα επιστημονικά ενδιαφέροντα του Γιάννη Φίλη περιλαμβάνουν:
α. Στοχαστικά μοντέλα δικτύων παραγωγής, γραμμές μεταφοράς, ευέλικτα βιομηχανικά συστήματα (FMS), εφαρμογές ασαφούς λογικής στα συστήματα παραγωγής και συστημάτων αναμονής.
β. Περιβαλλοντικά συστήματα, αειφόρος ανάπτυξη.
Ερευνητικά επιτεύγματα:
· Ο Γιάννης Φίλης και οι συνεργάτες του έχουν αναπτύξει ένα πρωτοποριακό μοντέλο ανάλυσης και σχεδίασης γραμμών παραγωγής αυθαίρετης γεωμετρίας και μεγάλων διαστάσεων. Τα δίκτυα είναι αναξιόπιστα και οι αφίξεις και οι χρόνοι κατεργασίας κομματιών παραγωγής είναι τυχαίοι. Ο στόχος είναι να υπολογισθούν, μεταξύ άλλων, η μέση παραγωγή, τα αποθέματα, και οι χρόνοι που το δίκτυο δεν παράγει και να σχεδιασθεί το δίκτυο βέλτιστα. Η ακρίβεια του μοντέλου είναι σχεδόν τέλεια και η υπολογιστική του ταχύτητα κατά πολύ ανώτερη άλλων υπαρχόντων μοντέλων. Ελληνικές εταιρείες και η Ford Motor της Αγγλίας έχουν χρησιμοποιήσει το σχετικό λογισμικό το οποίο επίσης έχει παρουσιασθεί στη Διεθνή Έκθεση Θεσσαλονίκης.
Το μοντέλο χειρίζεται την ταχεία δυναμική με ανάλυση και τη βραδεία με προσομοίωση. Μέχρι να παρουσιασθεί το μοντέλο αυτό, οι μηχανικοί χρησιμοποιούσαν για τον ημερήσιο προγραμματισμό της παραγωγής προσομοίωση που απαιτεί ώρες ή ακόμη και ημέρες υπολογιστικού χρόνου και επομένως είναι άχρηστη, ή ανάλυση που είναι πολύ ανακριβής. Το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο απαιτεί υπολογιστικούς χρόνους δευτερολέπτων ή λεπτών και η ακρίβειά είναι μεγαλύτερη του 95%. Ένα διευθυντικό στέλεχος της Ford Motor στο Dagenham απεκάλεσε το μοντέλο «θαυματουργό» μετά τη χρήση του στην παραγωγή κινητήρων Jaguar.
Η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται στο βιβλίο: Kouikoglou and Phillis, “Hybrid Simulation Models of Production Networks,” Kluwer, New York, 2001.
· Στην ίδια περιοχή της αυτοματοποιημένης και ευέλικτης παραγωγής, ο Γιάννης Φίλης έκανε πρωτοποριακή έρευνα με την επίλυση δύο βασικών προβλημάτων με τη χρήση της ασαφούς λογικής: τον υπολογισμό της ευελιξίας και τον έλεγχο ροής και δρομολόγησης ουρών. Μαζί με τους συνεργάτες του ανέπτυξαν το σχετικό λογισμικό, φιλικό προς τον χρήστη. Η χρήση ασαφούς λογικής και στα δύο προβλήματα έγινε για πρώτη φορά και κατέληξε σε απλές λύσεις.
· Η έρευνά του Γιάννη Φίλη στον έλεγχο ουρών αναμονής σήμανε μια τελείως πρωτότυπη εφαρμογή της ασαφούς λογικής. Οι παραδοσιακές τεχνικές ελέγχου όπως ο δυναμικός προγραμματισμός έχουν μικρή αποτελεσματικότητα σε πολύπλοκα, μη μαρκοβιανά δίκτυα. Η νέα μεθοδολογία έχει ήδη οδηγήσει σε λύσεις άλυτων ως τώρα προβλημάτων και υπόσχεται ν’ ανοίξει νέους δρόμους στον έλεγχο συστημάτων αναμονής.
Η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται στο βιβλίο: Z. Runtong, Y. A. Phillis, and V. S. Kouikoglou, "Fuzzy Control of Queuing Systems," Springer, New York, 2004.
· Το τελευταίο πεδίο έρευνάς του είναι η ποσοτική εκτίμηση της αειφορίας. Πρόκειται για μια περιοχή ύψιστης σημασίας στην οικονομία και την πολιτική. Έχει ήδη αναπτύξει ένα πρακτικό μαθηματικό μοντέλο, το οποίο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από αποφασίζοντες και πολιτικούς για να υπολογίσουν τον βαθμό αειφορίας μιας χώρας ή περιοχής και να εστιαστούν στους παράγοντες εκείνους που την επηρεάζουν τα μέγιστα.
Αειφόρος ανάπτυξη είναι όρος του συρμού για τους πολιτικούς, οικονομολόγους και περιβαλλοντολόγους, αλλά όλοι μιλούν για διαφορετικά πράγματα. Τώρα, για πρώτη φορά αναπτύχθηκε ένα πλαίσιο με πολύ μεγάλο αριθμό παραμέτρων που ορίζει και υπολογίζει αριθμητικά την αειφορία με τη χρήση ασαφούς λογικής και άλλων αναλυτικών εργαλείων. Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τον υπολογισμό της αειφορίας μιας οικονομίας και να οδηγήσει στις αποφάσεις εκείνες που θα την βελτιώσουν.
Αυτό το μοντέλο είναι από τα πρώτα του είδους του σε μια περιοχή που τα μαθηματικά μοντέλα σχεδόν απουσιάζουν. Η κατάταξη των περισσότερων χωρών του κόσμου παρουσιάζεται ετησίως στην ιστοσελίδα www.sustainability.tuc.gr . Αυτό το υλικό απετέλεσε τη βάση μαθημάτων που δίδαξε στο Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, το UCLA, το University of South Florida, και το University of Denver. Μεγάλος αριθμός ερευνητών έχουν κάνει μνεία του μοντέλου και το χρησιμοποιούν σε πολλά μέρη του κόσμου.
Η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται στο βιβλίο: Y. A. Phillis, and V. S. Kouikoglou, “Fuzzy Measurement of Sustainability,” Nova Science, New York, 2009.
Επιστημονικά βιβλία

Κεντρικές ομιλίες σε συνέδρια
- Κεντρικός ομιλητής, τίτλος ομιλίας, talk entitled "On a mathematical theory of sustainability assessment and decision making," World Automation Congress, Playa Paraiso Riviera Maya, Mexico, Sept. 22-26, 2024. Το διεθνές συνέδριο World Automation Congress 2024 είναι αφιερωμένο στους καθηγητές Diego Andina, Duc Truong Pham and Yannis A. Phillis, Playa Paraiso Riviera Maya, Mexico, September 22-26, 2024.
- Κεντρικός ομιλητής, τίτλος ομιλίας "A national healthcare model under climate change," International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, Cape Town, South Africa, July 26-29, 2024.
- “Ποιος κυβερνάει αυτόν τον πλανήτη,” ομιλία στο Ινστιτούτο Επαρχιακού Τύπου, Χανιά, Ιούλιος 2024
"Banks and the Environment," invited talk, European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers, Sept. 26, Zappeion, Athens, 2023
Κεντρικός ομιλητής, τίτλος ομιλίας "Η κλιματική κατάρα της ανάπτυξης και η διέξοδος", 29η Παγκρήτια Στοματολογική Σύνοδος, Χανιά, Μάιος, 2023.“Η αντίδραση των νέων στην κλιματική κρίση”, ομιλία στο Ινστιτούτο Επαρχιακού Τύπου, Χανιά, Οκτώβριος 2021.
"Healthcare Planning under Climate Crisis" ("Σχεδιασμός της Δημόσιας Υγείας υπό Συνθήκες Κλιματικής Κρίσης") 11th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS2021) 23-26 Ιουλίου 2021, Jinan, Κίνα.
“Φυσικές καταστροφές και κλιματική αλλαγή,” ομιλία στο Ινστιτούτο Επαρχιακού Τύπου, Χανιά, Ιούλιος 2019.
“A mathematical model of national sustainability: Where the world is heading,” Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study Distinguished Lecture, March 29, 2019.
Κεντρικός ομιλητής (Keynote speaker), talk entitled “How secure are nations in an era of climate change: A quantitative analysis,” 8th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, Aug. 3-6, Toronto, 2018.
“How to define and evaluate national security in an era of climate change,” Presidential Lecture, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, March 7, 2018.
“Climate security assessment of countries,” Distinguished Lecture Series, Florida International University, Oct. 27, 2017.
“Some security issues of living on planet Earth,” 9th Olympiad of the Mind, Χανιά, 14-17.
Κεντρικός ομιλητής (Keynote speaker), talk entitled “Printing museums: Records of civilization,” Annual Conference of the Association of European Printing Museums, Chania, Greece, May 11-13, 2017.
Keynote speaker, talk entitled "Economic, control and behavioral aspects of an urgent global problem," World Automation Congress 2016, Puerto Rico, July 31-August 4, 2016.
Keynote speaker, talk entitled “How we can halt a runaway climate,” The 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greece, June 21-24, 2016.
“Climate change,” “Sustainability models with emphasis on China,” “Biodiversity and public health models,” “Climate change: Mitigation and related behavioral attributes”. A series of talks given at Beijing Jaotong University, China, May 4-17, 2016.
Κεντρικός ομιλητής (Keynote speaker), τίτλος ομιλίας “Climate change,” 4th International Conference on Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics, Ορθόδοξος Ακαδημία Κρήτης, Κολυμπάρι, Κρήτη, 1-5 Ιούνιος 2015.
Κεντρικός ομιλητής (Keynote speaker), τίτλος ομιλίας “Mathematical models of biodiversity,” 7th Planta Europa Conference on ‘Plants for people, people for plants,’ Ορθόδοξος Ακαδημία Κρήτης, Κολυμπάρι, Κρήτη, 2014.
Κεντρικός ομιλητής (Keynote speaker), τίτλος ομιλίας «System-of-Systems models of public health and biodiversity,» at the VIII International Congress of Applied Statistics, Polytechnic University, Quito, Ecuador, 2013.
Κεντρικός ομιλητής (Keynote speaker), τίτλος ομιλίας “Overview of sustainability,” at the 1st Conference and Training Programme on Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Ecological Justice, Ορθόδοξος Ακαδημία Κρήτης, Κολυμπάρι, Κρήτη, 2012.
“Strategies for sustainable management”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Chania, Greece, Sep. 12-14, 2012.
“A system-of-systems framework of sustainability components”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο7th International Conference on Management of Technological Change, Alexandroupolis, Greece, Sep. 1-3, 2011.
“A system-of-systems approach to the analysis and control of sustainability”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο13th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences, Beijing, China, June 8-11, 2011.
“Global sustainability performance”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο“Engineering Sustainability” seminar organized by the IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society UK and Ireland and City University London, March 30, 2011.
“Important environmental and social systems as System-of-Systems (SoS)”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο 2010 World Automation Congress, Kobe, Japan, Sep. 19-23, 2010.
“A system-of-Systems approach to the analysis and control of sustainability”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο 13th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences, Beijing, China, June 8-11, 2010.
“Sustainability assessment”, Κεντρικός ομιλητής στο 2009 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, USA, May 30-June3, 2009.
Επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις
Πιο πρόσφατες:
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Agricultural sustainability assessment and national policy-making using an axiomatic mathematical model," Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, DOI: 10.1016/j.indic.2024.100401, 2024.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Allocation of Healthcare Resources in National Health Systems under Climate Change," Circular Economy and Sustainability, DOI: 10.1007/s43615-023-00301-1, 2023.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Sensitivity analysis of sustainability indicators using a shifted geometric assessment model," International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Vol.30, No.8, 2023.
Y. A. Phillis, V. S. Kouikoglou, E. Grigoroudis, and F. D. Kanellos, "On a mathematical theory of sustainability assessment," Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vol. 1, No. 1, accepted for publication, 2022.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, "Transportation sustainability and relevant ranking of European countries," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, accepted for publication, 2022.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, Y. A. Phillis, and F. D. Kanellos, “Energy sustainability: A definition and assessment model,” Operational Research an International Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1845-1885, 2021.
V. S. Kouikoglou, E. Grigoroudis, and Y. A. Phillis, "National energy sustainability and ranking of countries," Energy Systems Evaluation, Vol. 2, J. Ren Editor, 63-101, Springer, 2021.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “SAFE 2019: Updates and new sustainability findings worldwide,” Ecological Indicators, Vol. 121, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107072, 2021.
J. F. Romero, P. V. Galindo, Y. A. Phillis and E. Grigoroudis, “Graphical sustainability analysis using disjoint biplots,” Operational Research an International Journal, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00573-7
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, Y. A. Phillis, and F. D. Kanellos, “Energy sustainability: A definition and assessment model,” Operational Research an International Journal, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00492-2
Y. Α. Phillis, “Some security issues of living on planet Earth,” Learning to Live Together: Promoting Social Harmony, J. A. Scott Editor, 7-16, Springer, 2019.
E. Grigoroudis, F. D. Kanellos, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “The challenge of the Paris Agreement to contain climate change,” Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 24, No. 2, 319-330, 2018.
Y. A. Phillis, N. Chairetis, E. Grigoroudis, F. D. Kanellos, and V. S. Kouikoglou, “Climate security assessment of countries,” Climatic Change, Vol. 148, 25-43, 2018.
Y. A. Phillis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and C. Verdugo, “Urban sustainability and ranking of cities,” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol.64, 254-265, 2017.
F. D. Kanellos, E. Grigoroudis, C. Hope, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “Optimal GHG emissions abatement and aggregate economic damages of global warming,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2784-2793, 2017.
E. Grigoroudis, F. D. Kanellos, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “Optimal abatement policies and related behavioral aspects of climate change,” Environmental Development, Vol. 19, 10-22, 2016
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “Energy sustainability of countries,” Handbook of Research on Sustainable Development and Economics, IGI-Global, 96-117, 2015.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, “SAFE 2013: Sustainability of countries updated,” Ecological Indicators, Vol. 38, 61-66, March, 2014.
Y. A. Phillis, A. M. Madni, E. Grigoroudis, F. Kanellos, V. S. Kouikoglou, and S. Papaefthymiou, “It’s now or never: Why climate action is so urgent,” The Bridge, US National Academy of Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 3, 30-37, Fall 2014.
Y. A. Phillis, “Sustainability,” Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, IGI-Global, 6935-6947, 2014.
E. Grigoroudis and Y. A. Phillis, “Modeling healthcare system-of-systems: A mathematical programming approach,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, 571-580, 2013.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “A fuzzy paradigm for the sustainability evaluation of energy systems,” Assessment and Simulation Tools for Sustainable Energy Systems. Theory and Applications, F. Cavallaro Editor, 205-224, 2013.
Y. A. Phillis and V. S. Kouikoglou, “System-of-Systems hierarchy of biodiversity conservation problems,” Ecological Modeling, Vol. 224, Issue 1, 36-48, 2012.
J. A. Conner, Y. A. Phillis, and V. I. Manousiouthakis, “On a sustainability interval index and its computation through global optimization,” AIChE Journal, Vol. 58, No. 9, 2743-2757, 2012.
Y. A. Phillis and V. S. Kouikoglou, “A System-of-Systems approach to the analysis and conservation of biodiversity,” Enterprise Information Systems, R. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Filipe, and J. Cordeiro Eds, , Vol. 102, 3-15, Springer, 2012.
E. Grigoroudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “Approaches for measuring sustainability,” Global Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Systems, P. Olla Editor, 101-130, 2012.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, “Application of a fuzzy hierarchical model to the assessment of corporate social and environmental sustainability,” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, 209-219, 2011.
Y. A. Phillis, E. Grigoroudis, and V. S. Kouikoglou, “Sustainability ranking and improvement of countries,” Ecological Economics, Vol. 70, No. 3, 542-553, 2011.
Y. A. Phillis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and V. Manousiouthakis, “A review of sustainability models as system of systems,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, 19-25, 2010.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, “On the monotonicity of hierarchical sum-product fuzzy systems,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 160, Issue 24, 3530-3538, 2009.
Y. A. Phillis and B. J. Davis, "Assessment of corporate sustainability via fuzzy logic," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 55, No. 1, 3-20, 2009.
Y. A. Phillis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Xiaomin Zhu, "Fuzzy assessment of material recyclability and its applications," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 55, No. 1, 21-38, 2009.
V. Kouloumpis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “Sustainability assessment of nations and related decision making using fuzzy logic,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol.2, No. 2, 224-236, 2008.
Y. A. Phillis, V. Kouloumpis, and V. S. Kouikoglou, “Sustainability ranking and critical sustainability factors of nations,” Ecological Economics Research Trends, C. C. Pertsova Editor, 149-170, Nova Publishers, N.Y. 2008.
S. Ioannidis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, “Analysis of admission and inventory control policies for production networks,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, 275-288, 2008.
S. Ioannidis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, "Coordinating quality, production, and sales in manufacturing systems," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, No 18, 3947-3956, 2004.
L. Andriantiatsaholiniaina, V.S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, "Evaluating strategies for sustainable development: Fuzzy logic reasoning and sensitivity analysis," Ecological Economics, Vol. 48, No 2, 149-172, 2004.
R. Zhang, Y. A. Phillis, and J. Ma, "A Fuzzy approach to the balance of drop and delay priorities in differentiated services networks," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 11, No 6, 840-846, 2003.
Y. A. Phillis, V. S. Kouikoglou and L.A. Andriantiatsaholiniaina, "Sustainable development: a definition and assessment, " Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, 345-355, December 2003.
R. Zhang and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy assignment of customers for a parallel queueing system with two heterogeneous servers," Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3,4, 163-169, 2002.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Design of product specifications and control policies in a single- stage production system," IIE Transactions, Vol. 34, 591-600, 2002.
Y. A. Phillis and L. Andriantiatsaholiniaina, "Sustainability: An ill-defined concept and its assessment using fuzzy logic," Ecological Economics, Vol. 37, No. 3, 435-456, June 2001.
R. Zhang and Y. A. Phillis, "Admission control and scheduling in simple series parallel networks," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, 307-314, April 2001.
R. Zhang and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy control of two-station queueing networks with two types of customers," Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 8, 27-42, 2000.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Some thoughts about higher education in Greece," IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 2, 64-68, 1999.
R. Zhang and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy control of arrivals to tandem queues with two stations," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.7, No. 3, 361-367, June 1999.
Y. A. Phillis and R. Zhang, "Fuzzy service control of queueing systems," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 29, No. 4, 503-517, 1999.
R. Zhang and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy control of queueing systems with heterogeneous servers," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, 17-26, 1999.
N. C. Tsourveloudis and Y. A. Phillis, "Manufacturing flexibility measurement: A fuzzy logic framework," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 14, No. 4, 513-525, 1998.
R. Zhang and Y. A. Phillis, "A fuzzy approach to the flow control problem," Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, 447-458, 1998.
N. C. Tsourveloudis and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy assessment of machine flexibility," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 45, No. 1, 78-87, 1998.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Review of a fast simulation method for the analysis of queueing networks," Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Vol. 13, 73-83, 1997.
Y. A. Phillis, V. S. Kouikoglou, D. Sourlas, and V. Manousiouthakis, "Design of serial production systems using discrete event simulation and nonconvex programming techniques," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 35, No. 3, 753-766, 1997.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "A continuous-flow model for production networks with finite buffers, unreliable machines, and multiple products," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 381-397, 1997.
N.C. Tsourveloudis and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy measurement of manufacturing flexibility," Applications of Fuzzy Logic: Towards High Machine Intelligence Quotient Systems, M. Jamshidi Editor, Vol. 7, 201-222, 1997.
Y. A. Phillis and V. S. Kouikoglou, "Analysis of production networks of the finite queue type with breakdowns," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 12, No. 4, 505-515, 1996.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "An efficient discrete-event model for production networks of general geometry," IIE Transactions, Vol. 27, 32-42, 1995.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Discrete event modeling and optimization of production lines with random rates," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 10, No. 2., 153-159, 1994.
N. C. Tsourveloudis, V. S. Kouikoglou, and Y. A. Phillis, "Fuzzy regression for the prediction of Paraquat poisonings in Crete," Systems Analysis Modeling Simulation, Vol. 13, 239-245, 1993.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Minimax design of two-state k-out-of-n systems," Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Vol. 9, 245-250, 1993.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "Trace bounds on the covariances of continuous-time systems with multiplicative noise," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-38, No. 1, 138- 142, 1993.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Comments on 'A model for determining job throughput times for manufacturing flow line workcells with finite buffers'," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 30, No. 9, 2229, 1992.
Y. A. Phillis and V. S. Kouikoglou, "Techniques in modeling and control policies for production networks," Control and Dynamic Systems, C. T. Leondes Editor, Vol. 47, 1991.
V. S. Kouikoglou and Y. A. Phillis, "An exact discrete-event model and control policies for production lines with buffers," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-36, No. 5, 515527, 1991.
Υ. Α. Phillis, Optimal estimation and control of discrete multiplicative systems with unknown second order statistics", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 64, No. 1, 153-168, January 1990.
Y. A. Phillis and V. S. Kouikoglou, "Minimax estimation and control of multiplicative systems," Control and Dynamic Systems, C.T. Leondes Editor, Vol. 31, 93-124, 1989.
Υ. Α. Phillis, "A fixed-point smoothing algorithm for discrete multiplicative systems," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 62, No. 2, 333-339, August 1989.
Υ. Α. Phillis, "Estimation and control of systems with unknown covariance and multiplicative noise," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-34, No. 10, 1075-1078, 1989.
Υ. Α. Phillis, "Algorithms for systems with multiplicative noise," Control and Dynamic Systems, C. T. Leondes Editor, Vol. 30, part 3, 65-81, Academic Press, 1989.
Υ. Α. Phillis, "A smoothing algorithm for systems with multiplicative noise," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-33, No. 4, 401- 403, 1988.
H. D’ Angelo, M. Caramanis, S. Finger, A. Mavretic, Y. A. Phillis, and E. Ramsden, "Event-driven model of an unreliable production line with storage," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 26, No. 7, 1173-1182, 1988.
Y. A. Phillis, H. D'Angelo and G. Saussy, "Analysis of series - parallel production systems without buffers," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. R-35, No. 2, 179-184, 1986.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Controller design of systems with multiplicative noise," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-30, No. 10, 1017-1019, 1985.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Y-stability and stabilization in the mean of discrete-time stochastic systems," International Journal of Control, Vol. 40, No. 1, 159-169, 1984.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Maintenance decision making and throughput rates in unreliable production systems," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 22, No 1, 149-160, 1984.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Optimal stabilization of stochastic systems," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 94, No. 2, 489-500, 1983.
Υ. A. Phillis, "On the stabilization of discrete linear time-varying stochastic systems," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-12, No. 3, 415-417, 1982.
Υ. A. Phillis, "On the rigorous treatment of stability of microwave oscillators," International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 3, 275-282, 1982.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Entropy stability of continuous dynamic systems," International Journal of Control, Vol. 35, No. 2, 323-340, 1982.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Time limits in the control of pollution systems," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 93, No. 3, 541-546, 1981.
Υ. A. Phillis, "Entropy stability of discrete dynamic systems," International Journal of Control, Vol. 34, No. 1, 159-171, 1981.
C. T. Leondes, Y. A. Phillis, and L. Chin, "Method of optimizing the update intervals in hybrid navigation systems," Journal of Guidance and Control, Vol. 2, No. 6, 541-542, 1979.